美術の先生がつくった作品展 Vol.11
皆様、本日は「美術の先生がつくった作品展 Vol.11」にご来場いただき、心より感謝申し上げます。32名の美術教師が参加する本展覧会は、教育現場で培った創造力を作品として発表する貴重な機会です。参加者は、小学校、中学校、高校、大学、専門学校、特別支援学校、そして絵画教室など、多様な教育機関で活躍している教師たちです。その多彩なバックグラウンドを持つ方々の作品が一堂に会し、各々の視点や表現方法を通じて、私たちの経験と感性を皆様と共有できることを大変嬉しく思っています。
美術の先生がつくった作品展 実行委員会
Thank you very much for attending the “Art Teachers' Exhibition Vol.11” today. This exhibition, featuring 32 art teachers, is a valuable opportunity to showcase the creativity developed in educational settings. The participants are teachers from a variety of institutions including elementary and junior high schools, high schools, universities, vocational schools, special needs schools, and art classes. We are thrilled to present the works of these individuals with diverse backgrounds, and to share our experiences and sensibilities with you through their unique perspectives and expressions.
The inception of this exhibition dates back to 2013. At that time, middle school art clubs were thriving with “Art Club Competitions” where students created art on the spot and engaged in mutual improvement. The works produced in these competitions were not only a shining display of youthful sensitivity but also a significant inspiration for us adults. Witnessing the creative activities of students, the desire grew among us teachers to actively create and present our own work. This led to the establishment of our art teachers' exhibition, which continues to grow in value each year.
While digital technology has advanced and online viewing of artworks has become easier, we have reaffirmed the importance of experiencing art in person at galleries. Observing artworks physically allows us to perceive subtle details such as color, texture, and ambiance. This exhibition aims to provide that precious experience. Moreover, due to recent social and cultural changes, various approaches are being sought in educational settings, but we as teachers strive to respond with creativity. We hope that this exhibition will offer you new discoveries and perspectives, and renew your appreciation for art.
We invite you to enjoy the exhibition at your own pace and feel the thoughts embedded in each piece. Your feedback and opinions are incredibly valuable to us, so please share them with us. We appreciate your continued support and cooperation.
Exhibition of Works Created by Art Teachers Executive Committee